Configuring your RSS feed


As a publisher, you can use an RSS feed to post classifieds and obituaries to your website. There are a number of available programs you can use to ingest the feed into your site. If you aren't already using a program, select the program that best suits your needs.

RSS Response Fields

When the orders are returned to the feed they will contain the following fields.

  • [categories] [array(string)] - The categories (filing types) associated with the order. The array will only ever include one element.

  • [content] [string] - The content of the order (as it appears in Elastic).

  • [title] [string] - The title of the order.

  • [date] [string] - The publication date for the order, in fully rendered date & time format (e.g., Monday, July 15, 2024 10:32 AM). Note: Orders with multiple publication dates will be returned via the RSS feed in multiple feed items, each corresponding with a publication date.

  • [guid] [string] - A unique string concatenating the order ID and the publication date in the format 'MMDDYY'.

  • [custom_elements] [[{'content:encoded':string}]] - A single-element array containing an object whose only property contains the content of the order as it appears in Elastic. At this time, no transformation occurs on the content of the order to generate this field.

  • [enclosure] [{url:string}] - An object containing a single url property pointing to the proof of the order.

RSS Query Params

All of the following query parameters are optional and may be used to refine the RSS feed.

  • [startedPublishing] [boolean] - If set to true, the RSS feed will only include orders whose first publication date is today or in the past.

  • [orderStatuses] [array(string)] - An array of newspaperOrder statuses that should be included in the returned feed. The values can be any of the following: 'archived', 'cancelled', 'complete', 'deleted', 'draft', 'awaiting review', 'in review', and 'confirmed'. If left undefined, the feed will include only 'confirmed' and 'complete' orders.

  • [publicationDates] [array(string)] - An array of publication dates to include in the final feed. Each date must match the format 'YYYY-MM-DD'.

  • [orderType] [string] - The order product to be included in the feed. Must match the type 'obituary' or 'classified'.

  • [offset] [number] - The number of pages to offset when querying the orders.

  • [limit] [number] - This is the limit on the number of orders returned from the RSS feed. It cannot be less than one or greater than 999. If left undefined, the limit will default to 50.