How do I submit an obituary?

  1. To submit an obituary, begin by clicking the link here:

  2. Please provide your information in the fields provided. Click Next.

  3. Select the publication(s) in which you would like the obituary to be published and click Next.

  4. Select the date(s) and the type of obituary you would like to publish and click Next.

  5. Enter details about the deceased. These details will be utilized to verify the death of the decedent referenced in the obituary. Click Next.

  6. Choose your preferred layout for the obituary.

  7. If you wish, you may upload one or more photos of the deceased individual to accompany the obituary.

  8. Enter the text of the obituary. As you enter the text, the estimated cost of the obituary will be updated. You can view or download a proof of the obituary to review your submission. Once you are satisfied with the obituary, click Next.

  9. Review the Order Summary page. Here, you can check the publication(s) to which your obituary is submitted, the publication dates, the submission deadline, and the total cost of the obituary.

  10. Click Pay to complete the obituary submission process.

Explore Additional Resources

  1. Obituary Writing Guide

  2. Tips for Choosing an Obituary Photo

  3. Obituaries FAQ

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