My advertiser prefers mailed affidavits. Do I still need to submit the affidavit through Column?


Yes. A digital copy must be uploaded even if a mailed copy has been requested. Column recognizes that many clients prefer mailed affidavits and has developed ways to simplify this process.

  • Advertisers can request a mailed affidavit during the notice placement flow by entering their mailing addresses and the number of copies needed.

  • If requested, Column will automatically mail a copy of the digital affidavit uploaded to the Notice Detail page.

  • For customers needing an original wet-signature affidavit, and if your newspaper is not part of the Automated Affidavit program, you can send it to the provided mailing address after uploading a scanned copy to Column.

  • Please note that a digital copy of an affidavit must be uploaded to receive payment via Column for each notice.

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