I cannot access your website or it appears to not be working
If you're having trouble accessing Column, we recommend the following troubleshooting steps:
1) Logout and log back in.
Click the following link to logout: https://www.column.us/logout
Clear your cache and cookies
Refresh your internet browser
Click the following link to login back in: https://www.column.us/login
2) Make sure you're using an optimal device and internet browser.
Column works best on a desktop or laptop computer, rather than a smartphone. We recommend using Google Chrome for your internet browser.
Accept or Decline the Cookies notification at the bottom of your screen so that it does not obstruct your view when you're working in Column.
If you cannot see all available buttons, use your keyboard to zoom in or zoom out. To zoom in, use the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl and + (Windows, Linux, and Chrome OS) and ⌘ and + (Mac). To zoom out, use the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl and - (Windows, Linux, and Chrome OS) and ⌘ and - (Mac).
3) Ask your IT staff to enable access to Column.
If you work for an organization that has internet safety precautions in place, you may need to add https://www.column.us to a list of safe domains. This is most commonly an issue for governments and law firms.
4) If you're placing a notice and unable to proceed to the next step, make sure all required fields are complete!
If the "Next" button is disabled, preventing you from completing your notice placement, that likely means you missed a required field. If you're using a fill-in-the-blank notice template, make sure all blue fields are complete.
You can also try refreshing the page or starting over with a new notice draft.
If you need further assistance, please contact Column Support via the chat icon (during chat hours) or email us at help@column.us.