Is the price presented to me a guaranteed price?


The upfront price you see while creating your notice is an estimated price, it is not guaranteed.

The interim ad proof that is generated during submission also includes the estimated cost, but states the following: "This is not an invoice. Below is an estimated price, and it is subject to change. You will receive an invoice with the final price upon invoice creation by the publisher".

We aim for the estimated price to be as accurate as possible, but this is intended for informational purposes only — we hope you find it helpful! The publisher will confirm the final, accurate price that you will pay for your notice once they create an invoice in Column which you can expect to receive via email. If the publisher needs to make any formatting changes while processing your notice, the invoice may be priced higher or lower than your estimated cost. The final invoice price will also be shown on your confirmed ad proof.

Please note that taxes on the presented price may apply based on state laws, depending on the state the newspaper is located. If certain newspapers have their own fees (outside Column), those fees may be taxable as well. There is no tax applied to Column-processed affidavits or notice fees. There is no additional cost for different payment methods, the invoice amount will remain the same regardless of the type of payment.

For information on paying for your notice, please review this article.

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