I received a PDF notice, but it needs to run as a text-based liner. Can you help?


We sure can! If you are placing a notice or editing it and the notice content is a PDF, Column makes it easy to convert the PDF to text. This is useful if the ad is submitted as a display ad but instead needs to be run as a liner ad. Instead of typing up the notice or copy-and-pasting manually, Column converts the ad for you with the click of a button.

Placing a new notice:

  1. In the Create Notice step, upload the notice file. If you upload a PDF or image, you'll see an option to submit the notice as a display ad (image) or convert it to a liner (text). 

  2. If you want to submit the ad as a liner, click Convert to text. Column will extract the text from the file into the text editor, where you can make any necessary edits to the content or formatting.

  3. If you want to submit the ad a display, click Submit as image. You'll be able to crop the display ad to remove any unnecessary white space before submitting the notice.

  4. If you decide to change the upload format while formatting the notice, use the gear at the top-right corner of the Create Notice step. 

Editing a notice:

  1. If the notice was submitted as a display ad, you'll see the gear at the top-right corner of the Create Notice step. As mentioned above, you can use this menu to convert the display ad to a liner by extracting text from the file, then make any necessary edits.

  2. If the notice was submitted as a liner, but you need to convert the original PDF or image back to a display ad, you can download the original file either from the notice details page or directly in the edit flow. Once you've downloaded the file, you can delete it and re-upload, then choose whatever file format — submit as image, or convert to text — you'd like to use for this notice.