How do I create an affidavit through Column?


To create affidavits with Column, you must first create a default affidavit template for your publication. Go to Settings > My Organization > Affidavits to view your current template.

Once your publication has set up an affidavit template:

  1. Navigate to the notice you want to generate an affidavit for by clicking on the notice in your Notice Dashboard.

  2. Be sure you've created the invoice already. Once you submit your invoice, Column will automatically generate an affidavit for you. Click Create Affidavit to open the affidavit PDF.

  3. Depending on your state's public notice statutes, you may need to sign and/or notarize the affidavit. You can print the affidavit or sign it and notarize it electronically, then upload it when it is complete.

  1. Click Confirm to send the affidavit to your customer.

  2. After uploading your file, the affidavit appears to the right. Your customer will receive an automatic email informing them that an affidavit has been uploaded.

  1. Review your affidavit at any time by clicking on your affidavit file. You can also delete the current affidavit and upload a new version using the trashcan icon next to the file name. You can not delete an affidavit without replacing it at the same time.

  2. Have a lot of affidavits to upload? Try our Bulk Affidavit Feature.

Need to update your template? Contact your Customer Success Manager or Column Support

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