How do I manage user access to multiple newspapers?


If you work for a company that manages multiple newspapers, you may need to grant different users access to various newspapers on Column. You can give users access to all newspapers under your company's account or only a subset of newspapers.

How to give a user access to all newspapers

To give a user access to all newspapers, add them to your company's "parent" account. This is the organization named after your company rather than after a specific newspaper; you might see a dashboard rather than the notices table when you view this organization in Column.

Here's how to give a user access to all newspapers at your company:

  1. Click on your parent company's name in the organizations dropdown in the top-left corner of Column.

  2. Go to My Organization > Members.

  3. Click "Invite Additional."

  4. Enter the user's email address and select their role.

  5. Click "Confirm."

  6. You'll see a warning letting you know that the invited user will gain access to all newspapers under your company. Click "Confirm" again to send the invite.

  7. When the user registers an account under the email address you provided, they will see their invite waiting when they first log in to Column. Upon accepting the invite, they will have access to all of your newspapers.

How to give a user access to only some newspapers

If a user needs access to only a subset of newspapers — if, for example, certain legals reps manage regional groups of papers — you can grant access to specific newspapers. Here's how:

  1. Click on the newspaper's name in the organizations dropdown in the top-left corner of Column.

  2. Go to My Organization > Members.

  3. Click "Invite Additional."

  4. Enter the user's email address and select their role.

  5. Click "Confirm."

  6. Repeat with each newspaper the user needs to access on Column.

The user will see invites to each newspaper when they login to Column.

How to remove user access to only some newspapers?

When you remove a user from one newspaper, they will still have access to any other newspapers they belong to at your company. However, they will no longer be able to see or manage notices in the newspaper you remove them from.

To remove a user from a newspaper, select the newspaper from the organizations dropdown, go to My Organization > Members, and click the trashcan next to their name. This page has a step-by-step guide for removing users.

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