Monthly Statements


Column offers a monthly statement that enables customers to keep track of monthly unpaid invoices. Key features include:

  • A consolidated summary of subtotals by publisher in a single document.

  • Your account summary to date is accessible anytime at

  • You can pay invoices individually or bulk online via credit or debit card. If you pay by check, you may continue to do so, including the individual invoice IDs with your check payment.

How will I be notified?

Monthly Statements are sent on the 1st of each month. To enable this notification, go to the Notification settings under Settings > My Account to toggle it. (You can also toggle off billing notifications and invoices if you do not wish to receive them.)

Enabling the monthly notification for statements does not impact your invoice due dates or billing terms; the statement includes each invoice's due date.


Statements will be organized by publication to facilitate customer billing processes and invoice review. The total due will be at the bottom.

To access your Monthly Statement during the month, log in to your Column account, navigate to the Invoices tab, and click "Download Summary."

When is my monthly statement due?

Monthly statements do not change the due dates for your invoices or the billing terms. The due date is included for each invoice listed. You can choose to pay all your invoices at once or individually.

How do I pay my monthly statement?

You can pay invoices via credit or debit card or a linked bank account. If you're a government organization that pays by check, you can mail your check payment to the address listed on the individual invoice.

How to pay in bulk online:

You can pay multiple invoices at once via credit or debit card only.

  1. Go to the Invoices tab

  2. Click the check box on the left side of the page for each invoice you'd like to pay. You can also filter by Unpaid to see all open invoices.

  3. To Select All, click the check box in the table header on each page.

  4. The Download Summary button will switch to Pay Selected Invoices.

  5. Click Pay Selected Invoices, enter your credit card information, and click Pay Invoices.

Can I pay my Monthly Statement via check?

Yes, please enclose the monthly statement with your check for government organizations that pay by check. Please include your monthly statement ONLY IF the check amount matches the monthly statement total. Our payment processor will automatically match checks to the invoice numbers enclosed with the check payment.

If you do not intend to pay the total monthly statement amount, please only enclose individual invoices.

My monthly statement includes invoices already paid or shouldn't be on there - how do I remove them?

Paid Invoices

Please email and include your monthly statement, the invoice numbers that were already paid, and the payment details (I mailed a check for my invoice. Why is it still overdue?). Our team will review our payment processor and assist you.

Duplicate Notices

If there are two or more notices for the same name, amount, and publication, double-check if they are duplicates or similarly named notices.

  1. Click on the Notice ID link to view the Notice Detail page in Column.

  2. Click View Proof and review the notice content.

  3. Check the publication dates.

  4. Review the Activity Log.

Depending on the publication and the notice's name, some invoices may appear duplicates but have different content or publication dates. You can request to cancel the duplicate/unpaid notice if there are duplicate notices. How Do I Cancel My Notice?

A cancellation request will be sent to the publication for review. You'll receive an e-mail notification (if enabled) when canceled.

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