How do I send the invoice to a third party for a customer


If you're placing a notice on behalf of a customer and they would like the invoice to be sent to a third party, you can enter the third-party payee information while placing your notice. Here's how:

1. When you get to the Invoice Information step of the placement process, you may select a Bill to: name and email address.

2. If you want to send the invoice to the payee by email, select the option "Send the invoice by email". Enter their email address. Once an invoice is created, it will be billed to the individual you specified, and the invoice will be emailed directly to that individual for payment.

3. If you want to send the invoice by mail, select the option for "Send the invoice by mail and enter the payee's mailing address. Once an invoice is created, it will be billed to the individual you specified and then automatically printed and mailed to the individual's address.

After you have submitted the notice, you'll see the invoice recipients name on the invoice creation page under terms. You can edit the bill to information at any time before the notice is paid or archived (paid for and publication complete with the affidavit uploaded). 

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