What are notice titles?
Some newspapers will require a title for your notice. A notice title is different from what you name your notice in Column (see What are notice names?), which is for internal identification and is not published.
If your newspaper requires a title, there will be a "Title" field with an asterisk shown directly above your notice's text editor box. Not all newspapers have a title field, so if you don't see one, you can continue with your notice placement process!
The title will appear as a bolded header to your notice, as it appears in the newspaper. Notice titles help draw attention to your notice and allow newspapers to have a consistent publication format. Please check to see if you need to insert a title before clicking "Next"!
Notice titles don't need to be unique or contain many details, they are meant to communicate the type of notice you are publishing. If you aren't sure what to title your notice, we recommend keeping it simple. For example:
Public Notice
Notice of Hearing
Notice to Creditors
Town of Column Special Meeting
Advertisement for Bids
Sheriff Sale Notice
City of Column Ordinance
If you decide you'd like to change the title of your notice after submission, you can contact Column Support at help@column.us.