Placing a Notice
How do notice templates work?
Some publishers use fill-in-the-blank notice templates to make placing notices easier. These templates provide preset content and formatting based on ...
I can't find the type of notice I want to file. Now what?
If you cannot find the type of notice you're wishing to file, you should select "Other" or "Other Public and Legal Notices" as your notice type. Some ...
I uploaded a file. Why is my notice not formatted correctly?
If you're attempting to upload a file into Column (like PDF, Word or Pages files), you might find that the notice content in Column looks different fr...
Can I save a draft of my notice?
If you start uploading a notice and need to leave the page before submitting it, you can save your notice as a draft. To save a draft, click the X bu...
Can I include images in my notice?
Some publishers on Column accept text-based notices (also known as "liner notices") with images. If you're placing a notice in a publication that allo...
How do I create a table in my notice?
If you need to create a table in your notice, you can do so using the table button in the Column text editor: To create a table, click the table butt...
What happens if I "request expert formatting"?
When you upload a notice file, you may see an option to "request expert formatting" or "send original file." These options mean the same thing: They b...
How do I place a notice?
Log in to Column with this link , or continue with the newspaper-specific link you've been provided. Is this your first time using...
How can I place the same notice again?
If you need to place the same notice multiple times, Column enables you to duplicate a notice and resubmit it for publication. You can copy any notice...
What are notice names?
Notice names are titles you assign when you place new notice orders. These names should be straightforward and recognizable to make keeping track of n...
Can I upload multiple files?
Some publishers allow you to upload multiple files when placing a notice. However, most publishers allow only one file. If permitted by the publisher,...
Can I place a notice in multiple newspapers?
When placing a notice, you can only select one publisher per notice. However, you can quickly place the same notice in multiple newspapers by using ou...
Classifieds FAQ
How do I place a classified ad? Visit to get started. Provide your contact information. Choose the category ...