How can I add a discount for my customer?


If you would like to honor a new or existing discount for a customer, you may add a discount under My Organizations > Customers > select any customer or customer organization > Edit. 

This is useful if you have a specific customer with a discount that you would like to apply in addition to a rate. Broad rates that control pricing and fees across many customers should still be updated via Rate Settings. What kinds of rates can I set for my newspaper?

You may specify the discount as either:

  • Flat Discount (e.g., $2 off every notice subtotal)

  • Percent Discount (e.g., 15% off every notice subtotal)

You can also provide an optional discount expiration date. If an expiration date is not set, the discount is non-expiring. Note: Discounts applied to customer organizations will override any discounts applied to an individual customer who is part of that organization.

Once saved, the discount will appear on the invoices and proofs of the customer's notices. For example, a 10% discount will be listed as a line item against the subtotal as 'Discount (10%)'.

Existing notices should be replaced so the customer discount takes effect. If you'd like the discount applied to them, please cancel, duplicate/re-place the notice, and then create the invoice. How can I create a copy of a notice?

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