I can't click next after uploading my document.


If you cannot click "Next" to proceed after uploading your document, please check to see if you need to complete one of the following steps.

Required Title

Some newspapers require a title for your notice. If this is the case, a "Title" text box with an asterisk will appear, indicating that it is a required field. This title will be displayed as a bold header in your notice as it appears in the newspaper. It is not the same as the notice name, the internal identification name of your notice (see: What are Notice Names?). Notice titles help draw attention to your notice and allow newspapers to maintain a consistent publication layout. Please check if you need to insert a title before clicking "Next."


Some newspapers use fill-in-the-blank notice templates to make placing notices easier. In these cases, you must click on the blue fields and type in the information, and your notice content will be created for you. The fields will not automatically be filled in when uploading a reference document.

Scroll through the entire notice text editor to ensure all the blue text fields are filled in. Once all the blue fields are completed, the next button will be enabled, and you can proceed to the next step.

See our article "How do notice templates work" for more information.

Upload Error or Network Lag

After you upload your document, please ensure that the desired text is reflected in the text editor and the notice preview. If your document is particularly large or contains rich formatting (tables or images), our text parser may take more time to process it. If you receive an error message regarding the document's format, please try changing your document file type (.pdf, .docx, .doc, or .txt).

Please review our recommendations here for more troubleshooting steps: "I cannot access your website, or it appears to not be working."

If you encounter any issues that aren't covered here, please contact Column Support at help@column.us or our chat feature during chat hours.

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