3/23/23 Release: Formatting notes, setting up advertiser organizations, and more


Customers can leave formatting notes on notices!

We’ve given you and your customers the option to leave notes on notices that might be a little bit more high-maintenance, aka require more complex formatting. That way, if it’s too tricky for your customers to use our text editor to format their larger files, they can still communicate with you via Column about how their notice should be handled. For now, notes are only available for notices submitted without formatting.

Click here to learn more about how to process notices submitted without formatting.

Making customers feel at home in Column, right away.

It used to be that when you uploaded notices on behalf of certain customers, they were automatically registered in Column as individuals. They didn’t get the chance to join organizations, even if their colleagues were already part of organizations on Column. Now, these customers will have the option to join their existing organization from the get-go, so they can access the right affidavits, invoices, and shared notice history right away. Or, if they’re the first to the party, these customers can create a new organization and invite new members to join. Click here to learn more about how advertisers can join organizations.

Notices of a feather can now folder together.

We heard from you that it was difficult to organize your notices after you downloaded them from Column. Now, when you download your notices into a folder from Column, you can choose to group them in folders by notice type! Yep — your pagination process just sped up a notch. This update applies for publishers with custom notice types who download notices manually from Column. Click here to learn more about bulk downloading notices.

Updated on 3/23/23

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