Past Releases
9/28/22 Release: New design for notifications, invite members to organizations, update affidavits for active notices, and more
It’s important to keep track of what’s happening in Column, whether you’re a publisher processing a notices or an advertiser paying an invoice or rece...
11/18/22 Release: Live dashboards, notice table filter, advertiser names in email notifications, and more
All publishers now have access to live reporting dashboards to make managing public notices easier than ever. In the Reports section of Column, you’ll...
3/23/23 Release: Formatting notes, setting up advertiser organizations, and more
We’ve given you and your customers the option to leave notes on notices that might be a little bit more high-maintenance, aka require more complex for...
8/31/22 Release: Select newspaper in placement flow, manage organization members, and new billing status
We recently introduced a feature for duplicating notices — a quick and easy way to copy a notice or place an archived notice again. But for legals r...
12/12/22 Release: Customers page redesign
For the first time, your Customers page includes not just individuals, but organizations. Check out the changes in your Column account by going into M...
1/6/23 Release: Customers can request to join organizations
Now, when advertisers sign up for Column, they can search for their organization (if it's already in Column) and request to join it . This is perfect...
8/24/22 Release: Text editor upgrade, request to cancel notices, save card payment methods, and more
Drafting notices in Column just got easier! Column’s text editor now reflects the column width, font, and formatting features of a newspaper’s templat...