Obits & Classifieds
Can I create an organization for my funeral home?
Yes! With Column, you can set up an organization for your funeral home. This way, multiple members can submit and pay for notices. We recommend creati...
How do I place a classified ad?
Visit to get started. Provide your contact information. Choose the category that best fits your ad. Select o...
Obituaries FAQ
The exact cost depends on which publication you submit your obituary to. Typically this is calculated based on the number of dates you would like to p...
How do I join my funeral home's account on Column?
If someone from your organization has already registered for Column, you can join them when setting up your own account. Go to, an...
How do I make changes to my submission?
We understand that mistakes can happen, even after you've read through an obituary multiple times. Whether a survivor's name was spelled incorrectly, ...
Can I save a draft of my submission?
If you start submitting an obituary or classified and need to leave the page before submitting it, you can save your submission as a draft. As you mov...
Tips for choosing a photo for an obituary
Not sure how to choose a photo for an obituary? We've put together some helpful tips to help make the process easier when selecting a photo for your...
Obituary writing guide
There is no correct way to write an obituary. Your text should honor the decedent in whatever way feels most fitting to you. We've put together a reso...
How do I submit an obituary?
To submit an obituary, begin by clicking the link here: Please provide your information in the fields provided...
Classifieds FAQ
Can I add a photo to my ad? Many publications allow photos. If permitted, you can upload your image during the draft stage, and the cost will be displ...
How do I add my funeral home logo to an obituary?
When you submit an obituary using the Column platform, you have the option to feature your funeral home's logo at the bottom of the obituary. This add...
How do I save my credit card information to pay for obituaries?
If you place obituaries regularly through Column, you can save your credit or debit card as a payment method. This way, you don't have to enter your c...
I'm a funeral director. How do I register for an account?
Firstly, go to in your web browser. Note that if you have a Google or Microsoft account, you may also register and sign in us...
Tips & Tricks for your classified ad
Below are suggestions to include in your ad: LOST AND FOUND Article, material, when and where, description, identifying marks, name of pet, child's pe...