What payment methods do you accept?
We work with publishers to accept a variety of payment methods. The most common online options include the following, though they may vary by publisher:
Credit card
Debit card
ACH bank transfers
When you receive your invoice by e-mail, it will include instructions for each payment method. Please review carefully. Some of our newspaper partners manage invoices outside of Column; if your notices payment status is Invoiced Outside of Column, you'll receive a billing statement from the newspaper. For additional information, please see '"What does invoiced outside Column" mean.'
Paying by credit or debit card
All of our newspaper partners accept VISA and MasterCard; some do not accept AMEX. Please view this Help Center article for instructions on saving your credit card as a payment method and troubleshooting guidelines on error messages: Paying by credit card.
Paying by ACH via a linked bank account
If you need help setting up bank transfers from your bank account, check out
How Do I Link My Bank Account?
Why can't I find my bank provider when linking my bank account?
If you cannot link your bank account, please contact help@column.us and include the e-mail address you use to log in to your account.
Paying by ACH via your bank
If you're unable to link your bank account, you can pay via ACH/EFT transfer. To set this up, please get in touch with SupportĀ help@column.us and include a copy of a recent invoice and any forms you require us to fill out. We will provide a Virtual Bank Account Number letter from our payment processor, Stripe, to verify our account information. For further instructions, including how to remit payment details, please view: ACH Payment Instructions
Our W-9 is in your Column account: I need a W-9 from Column. Where can I find it?
Do you accept checks?
Select government organizations can pay by check. However, to minimize payment delays and reconciliation issues, we strongly recommend that your organization pay via ACH or debit/credit card.
If upfront payment is required, please do not mail a check. When an invoice is issued, you'll receive an e-mail notification with payment instructions and a due date. If upfront payment is required, the due date will include a time. The deadline to pay aligns with the publication deadline, so the amount of time you have to pay your notice may be short if the notice was submitted close to the deadline. If payment is not received on time, your notice may be canceled.
If you are a government organization and you must pay by check, please include the following with your payment:
An enclosed copy of the invoice.
A separate sheet listing the invoice number in full and the total amount.
If multiple invoices are included in one check, please enclose a copy of each invoice and ensure all invoice numbers and corresponding invoice amounts are included.
Please note: Our payment processor automatically deposits checks upon receipt and reconciles them once payment has cleared by scanning the envelope's contents to match the amount to the invoice number. If information is missing or doesn't match, reconciliation will be delayed.
For more information on reconciliation delays, please see: I paid my invoice. Why is it still overdue?
Please review our Payment and Billing section if you have questions as you pay for your public notice. If you cannot locate an answer to your question there, feel free to contact us at help@column.us.