How can I send the invoice to someone else to pay?


If you're placing a notice on behalf of someone else, you may send the invoice directly to that person. You can choose to send the invoice to a third-party payee while placing your notice. Here's how:

1. When you get to the Invoice Information step of the placement process, you may enter a name and address in the 'Bill to' field:

2. To email the invoice to the payee, select "Send the invoice by email" and enter their email address. Once the newspaper creates an invoice for this notice, it will be billed to the individual you specified, and the invoice will be emailed directly to that individual for payment.

3. If you want to send the invoice by mail, select "Send the invoice by mail" and enter the payee's mailing address. Once the newspaper creates the invoice, it will be billed to the individual you specified and automatically printed and mailed to that address.

Please note: If the newspaper requires upfront payment, the invoice may not arrive in time to pay by the due date and time. Please check the Notice Detail page for the invoice due date once issued.

Due to delivery times, a mailed invoice may arrive after payment has been made, or the invoice may be voided and replaced during delivery time. We recommend that you check the Notice Detail page for the current invoice if any changes are made after the initial invoice is issued.

If a physical copy of an invoice is required, we recommend printing it rather than mailing it to ensure you have the current invoice on file when paying.

4. If you have a newspaper representative submit a notice on your behalf, let them know if the invoice needs to be sent to another party! Failure to do so may result in you, the filer, receiving past-due invoice notifications.

Please note: Invoices sent to a third party to pay are still the individual or organization's responsibility. Invoices sent to another party are only accessible on the account used to submit the notice and are included in the monthly summary.

Can you forward the invoice to someone else for me?

Invoice notifications are sent automatically to the account holder and organization members who have notifications toggled on. If you want to send the invoice to someone else, you can forward the e-mail notification you've received or send the invoice from your Column account.

  1. Click on the Notice Name to open the Notice Detail page.

  2. Click the envelope icon on the Pay Invoice button:

  1. Enter the e-mail or mailing address of the person you want to send the invoice to.

Can I change the Bill to name on my invoice?

By default, the addressee on the invoice will be the account holder's name for an Individual account or the Organization's name if the account holder is a member of an organization. If you've entered a name in the Bill to field when submitting your notice, the name entered will be the addressee on the invoice.

If you need to change the addressee after the invoice is created, please contact the publisher or Column Support at The publication or Support will edit the addressee's name on the notice, void the current invoice, and create a new one. If the invoice has already been paid, a refund will be issued. We cannot edit a name on a paid invoice without refunding it.

How can I send all my invoices to the same e-mail address without entering it each time I submit a notice?

If you need to send all your invoices to your billing/account/accounts payable department, we recommend adding their e-mail address as a member of your organization - or creating an organization to have them as a member.

Can I create an organization for my government agency, law firm, or business?

How do I add members to my organization?

Once they have joined your organization, they can manage their notifications only to receive billing notifications: How do I change my notification preferences?

We recommend adding your billing/account/accounts payable department to your organization so that they can automatically receive invoice notifications and access invoices and receipts on demand. Can you send me a list of my invoices?

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